Please be sure to complete all areas so that we can check specific
availability for you and provide you with a quality quote. A Coleman Travel Ski
Specialist will reply to your request the same day or within 24 hours on weekdays and within 48 hours after a weekend request.
NameWork PhoneHome Phone FAXE-mail
Would you like air included in your package?
Please indicate your preferred airport/departure city:
Enter your departure date:
-- mm/dd/yy
What is your preferred departure time?
-- hh:mm am/pm
Enter your return date:
-- mm/dd/yy
What is your preferred return time?
-- hh:mm am/pm
How many adults?
How many children?
Please list ages of children:
Lodging type: (Hotel, Condo, B&B)
Please select lodging quality you prefer:
Please indicate required lodging amenities (fireplace, hot tub, washer/dryer, etc.):
What type of transportation do you need?
If a car is requested, select car size:
Please select number of days lift tickets are needed:
How many adult lift tickets needed?
How many senior lift tickets needed (age 65+)?
How many child lift tickets needed?
Please indicate if lessons are needed and describe (adult, child, group or private lessons, 1/2 or full day, number of days of lessons, and ability level -- beginner, intermediate, advanced):
Please indicate other activities you'd like us to book for you (snowmobiling, dog sledding, sleigh ride dinners, etc.):